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Please limit your request to two pieces of literature. Once you have received the literature and read through it, you are welcome to revisit our web site to request additional booklets and Bible Studies (two item limit will apply).

National Punishment
National Punishment
The title of this booklet, “National Punishment”, points to a central focus of all “end time” prophecies. The purpose of the booklet is to outline what, not only America, but all nations who call themselves “Christian”, have done to bring God’s wrath down upon them.
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After Christ Returns
After Christ Returns
Many know that Christ is going to return to this earth, but few know what happens after Christ returns. The wonderful news of the coming Kingdom of God is the heart and core of Jesus Christ’s message to this world.
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3 Myths About Jesus
3 Myths About Jesus
Many people claim to “know Christ” but few are willing to examine what the Bible really says about Him. In this booklet we explore three important myths that modern Christianity accepts without question, and point readers to the truth about their one and only Saviour.
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Baptism - The Way To Salvation
Baptism – The Way To Salvation 
Baptism is an oft misunderstood subject for many. Should you be baptized? How should you be baptized? When should you be baptized? These are all questions that cause much confusion among people who desire to attain salvation. This booklet answers these questions and much more.
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United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy
United States and British Commonwealth in Prophecy
The Bible, among other things, is a book of prophecy. The story of the rise and fall of great empires has been foretold within its pages. Few, however, are aware of what the Bible has to say about two of the most dominant powers in the history of the world, the United States and Great Britain.
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Bible Studies Literature
Bible Study - The Day of Atonement
The Day of Atonement
The Day of Atonement is the fifth of seven annual festivals that reveal God’s plan for man. Through the yearly festival season God reminds us that He has a specific goal for humanity, to create a Spiritual Family. Find out what is so important about this annual festival and why we must observe it.
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Bible Study - The Feast of Trumpets
The Feast of Trumpets
The fourth of God’s seven festivals points to the most anticipated and pivotal event in the history of the world, the return of Jesus Christ. This event will encompass the world and will alter the lives of everyone who is alive and eventually everyone who has ever lived. This Bible Study lays bare the true meaning of the Feast of Trumpets.
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The Feast of Pentecost
The Feast of Pentecost
Many Christians recognize that the feast of Pentecost has historical importance as the day on which the Church of God was founded. What many don’t understand is that this day has a Biblical meaning which is central to a Christian’s life and the plan God has for those who respond to His call. Gain an understanding of this Holy Day by downloading or ordering our most recent bible study on the day of Pentecost.
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The Feast of Unleavened Bread
The Feast of Unleavened Bread
The Days of Unleavened Bread are one of the often overlooked days ordained by God in the book of Leviticus as holy. Discover the deep meaning of these days and why they are relevant to modern day Christians now.
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The Feast of Tabernacles & The Last Great Day
The Feast of Tabernacles & The Last Great Day
What is the Kingdom of God? When will it come, and what will it mean for mankind? What is God’s plan for the millions who have never known him? Discover the answer to these questions and more by studying the meaning of two of God’s holy days, the Feast of Tabernacles and the Last Great Day.
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God's Tenth
God’s Tenth
One of the biggest problems facing people today is their financial well being. Whether young or old, all people desire financial security. Find out why this is such a problem in people’s lives today. This Bible Study tells you how you can escape your financial worries.
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God's Weekly Sabbath
God’s Weekly Sabbath
Should Christians worship on a particular day? If so, which day is it? Discover the importance of this Christian observance from the pages of your bible. Understand how and why you should keep the Sabbath day holy.
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The Passover
The Passover
Is the Passover just an historical, Old Testament observance, or is it also relevant for Christians today? Discover why the Passover holds deep significance for modern Christianity, and why it is an essential aspect of truly understanding Jesus Christ’s sacrifice.
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